Unaplogetic Parenting #momblog

I’ve never been one to get down with conformity. I never understood why everyone always wanted to “fit in”. While growing up, the kids I saw desiring to “fit in”, just seemed miserable. They seemed as if they weren’t being themselves, or who they really wanted to be...it was their “representative” just trying to be … Continued

Oh The Places You’ll Go! #mommyblogging

Mommy blogging!… Just sounds so strange to me. I’m use to giving advice on sports. You know… how to navigate a new coach, dealing with teammates, or how to create an income from running type stuff… These are things I know. LOL! But..Mommy blogging? Umm? I don’t know what the heck I’m doing!  LOL! But … Continued

So much has Changed!!

So the last time I talked to you guys I was working on a blog post I had already spent two weeks on it and it's still not done yet . However, since then so many things have changed all for the good of course. I'll got through the big ticket items first and you … Continued

How to develop a career of becoming a professional runner

Be realistic about your level to compete at the elite level and the goals you can achieve. Everyone is always aiming to make the USA Olympic team, but what happens if you don't. If you don't make the team you want to make sure that outside of your athletic ability you still have value in … Continued

Getting back into the Swing of Things

  With track season around the corner its only a matter of time before you’ll need to pull out those old running shoes and start your base training. Ugh but who really wants to get off the couch, slow down on the netflix binge watching and skip out on moms homemade meals? Well if you’re … Continued