
How to Conquer Failure

We all deal with failure at some point in time. Some of us dwell in it and never really let go and other of us learn from the situation and improve. My thought on failure? ” I have never failed, I just found 1000’s ways that don’t work”.

1. Don’t play the Victim.. Oh “woe is me” is not the route to go when conquering failure and in all honesty playing the victim role will only get you so far in life. Take ownership of your failures and don’t, I repeat, DO NOT place the blame on someone else. You are in charge of your actions and your reactions to any given situation not someone else. I never want my coach to feel like he has failed me. Especially when I know he is providing me with all the tools he has to make me great. One way I show gratitude is by acknowledging to him that I am in control of my outcome, good or bad.

...Acknowledging the negative, recognizing the positive and then move forward... Share on X

2. Change your outlook: ” I have never failed, I just found 1000’s ways that don’t work”. Here is that quote again!!  Take the positives out of every negative situation. What did you learn from that situation? What can you do to ensure that, that result doesn’t occur again? How could you have gone about the situation differently? There’s so many positive things you can learn from failing. Why worry about the negative? One of the things my coach and I would do when watching video of my races is acknowledging the things I am not executing , or failing at, during runs but also highlight the positives that are occurring.  It’s frustrating as an athlete to compete in a race and know there are so many things you could have done right to run a faster time or win the race. For me that is the worst feeling in the world. Knowing I could have ran a better race. One of the things I do after running a “bad” race is talk it out with my coach, what I did wrong, what I did right and what I learned from that experience. So acknowledging the negative, recognizing the positive and moving forward. Of course there are various levels of failing and this is only one way to show how to turn a “negative” situation into a positive.

What's the point in dwelling on something you can't change? Share on X

3. Keep it Pushin’ or in other words move on. What’s the point in dwelling on something you can’t change? It’s useless to waste energy and time on a circumstance that has past. Learn from the results and don’t repeat the same mistake. Or make the necessary adjustments so that, that behavior or result does not repeat itself. Forward thinking is crucial to self improvement and a healthy state of mind.


How do you conquer your failures?

Drop a comment below and let me know your thoughts! 

Comments 20

  1. I love this blog! I totally agree on acknowledging the negative, so important to understand and realize the failure and to move forward. The only way we truly learn is by failing and understanding.

  2. Such a fantastic mindset to have! I have been implementing similar approaches to failure myself lately and the return has been great. It allows me to move forward and not waste time dwelling, which gets you nowhere. The goal is set and always on my mind, but the path to get there can throw you a few dead ends and failures so you need to be flexible and try another way / try again.

    • Thank you! 🙂 Glad to hear that you’ve had positive results with your approaches to failure! I whole heartedly agree that every path to any goal will present dead ends. I believe how you handle those dead ends are a reflection of character. The ones who seek new paths to goals are always the ones who make it to the top! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment (and edit ;)).

  3. antronald

    Awesome post and inspirational quotes displayed front and centre! Sometimes I feel like I’m too negative in training when I’m having a bad day… It almosts feels like he is punishing me with training that’s too hard for me. But subconsciously I know it’s just my attitude for the day, I usually accept the challenge!

    • Thank you for taking the time to read it!! If you have a trainer he is never going to give you something you can’t handle. Try thinking about it this way and I’m sure you’ll start killing your workouts!

  4. This is such a good reminder. I’ve been trying to look at the positive every time I reach a road block.

  5. This is so good! We all need to hear this! We wouldn’t learn without failure. Great job making it a positive 🙂

  6. JessicaCoaches

    Failure? What is that? Even my biggest ‘failures’ have taught me a huge amount about the world, myself, or even skills. So I guess I’m a number 2. I don’t mind failing one bit, because it means I tried something.

  7. Great article! There is only one way to conquer failure – to face it head on. Bravo to you for encouraging others to go for it!

  8. #3 especially. It is so important to have a positive outlook and just move forward. What a wonderful uplifting reminder this post has been. Thank you for a positive message on a cloudy Monday!

  9. This is a fantastic post and all completely true; Im a teacher and I constantly see people deal with failure in the wrong way. It takes a strong person to embrace failure and keep going, failing is easy, its getting back up that is the test of will. Inspiring post xx

  10. Yes these are so important!! Changing the outlook is everything! It is good to fail we only get better!


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