Every Friday for as long as you follow these post we will be giving you weekly Quick Friday Fit Work Out Routines that you can do at home to get your day started ! Get “Quick” Sexy before the weekend. Weekly workout routines are to be executed every other day starting every Friday (Friday, Sunday, Tuesday,Thursday) ! We will also be featuring those interested in being featured on this blog ! Free Advertising for you ! Woo Hoo.. more details below…
- 20 x Tuck Jumps
- 15 x Push Ups
- 15 x Burpies
- 30 x Little V ups
- 20 x Back Crunch
- 45 x Body Weight Squats
- 45 seconds speed Squats
Repeat x 3
Rest is 3 min between each interval These work outs will be geared towards my followers who are just getting started in getting fit ! However If you like more of a challenge multiple all the exercises by 3. For my followers who are up to date on fit routines submit your work outs and your results for a possible feature !
Have fun !
How to be Featured on Fitness Friday :
Check out the Contact Page.
- Choose Fitness Friday
- Enter Your Name
- A Valid Email for me to Reach you
- And a Comment about why you should be featured On Fitness Friday !
May the best fit person win ! If you are chosen you will receive an email from me detailing your next steps to make it to the featured Fitness Friday Post !
Good Luck !
Fitness Friday Feature ! 
Check out This piece of Chocolate…..
Follow him on IG at –>> @theecaliwes
I’ve been an athlete literally almost my whole life, having great success on the national scene as a child and adolescent athlete. But in 2009 upon transferring from junior college to Morehouse College I suffered a major training accident that had me down for and four to five months. During that time I gained about fifty pounds or so eating whatever and whenever I wanted while at the same time not being able to workout. I started and stopped numerous times while on my journey to losing the weight I had gained but finally got fed up of where I was and got a mental relentless mentality bringing me to where I currently am now.
Fit Goal: My goal is to get my body to optimal shape, so that I can get back to my love of Track&Field competing professionally as a top U.S. and world contender. While simultaneously motivating/inspiring individuals to take the necessary nutritional and exercise step to reach their own individual goals.
What Being Fit Means to @theecaliwes
Being fit is very important and goes far beyond looking good to attract the opposite sex! Being fit affects each and every aspect of life. It decreases stress, generates more energy, keeps immune system strong, pro longs your life span, prevents diseases and so much more!
A Day in the gym(legs&abs):
Knee step overs with dumbbells 3×14
Calf Raises (3 positions) 5×12
Front Squat 3×10
Split leg squat 3×10
Straight leg deadlift 4×10
Squats 3×10
Stability ball crunches with dumbbell 50x
Oblique ball extends on decline bench 50x
Hanging leg raises over bench 3×20
Partner medicine ball throws 3×20