
Hurdle Drills ! #Trackersize #TrackandField #Hurdles

Me !

Decide to record the highlights of my practice today !

Hurdle Drills

Goal of the Lead Leg Hurdle Drill

Once the butt is on top  of the Hurdle the lead leg should be coming down.

Goal of the Trail Leg Hurdle Drill

Off of the Hurdle the trail leg need to be in runner position.

Goal of Over the Top

To combine the goals of Lead Leg and Trail Leg Hurdle Drills.

Hurdle Drills are my most favorite drills to do !

I do not know what it is about running through them but it awesome !

SideNote : We as a hurdle community would like to inform you that we do not JUMP hurdles but we RUN them ! ….. Thank you (I’m sure every serious hurdler will agree)

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